Thursday, April 7, 2022

The operational update regarding the #russian_invasion on 06.00 on April 7, 2022

The forty-third day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military invasion continues.

The russian federation continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. The main efforts of the occupiers are focused on preparations for the offensive operation in eastern Ukraine, which aims to establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

The russian enemy continues to be active in the Slobozhansky, Donetsk, Pivdennobuzsky and Tavriya directions.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the russian enemy continued to blockade the city of Kharkiv and carry out artillery shelling.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions the  russian enemy continues artillery shelling of the settlement of Popasna. The goal is to set fire to units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and resume the offensive on Rubizhne, Nyzhne and Novobakhmutivka. The russian occupiers also tried unsuccessfully to break through the defences of our troops in the area of the settlement of Novotoshkivske.

In the South Buh direction, the russian enemy is defending previously occupied borders, taking measures to restore the combat capability of its units. Continues to carry out strict filtration measures in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region.

Some of the withdrawn russian units are located in tent camps in a number of regions of the russian federation bordering Ukraine. The  russian servicemen refuse to take part in further hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. The moral and psychological condition of these personnel is low and tends to deteriorate.

The Command of the Armed Forces of the russian federation continues to look for ways to solve the problem of replenishing its units with human resources. russia's military commissariats have stepped up work with conscripts who have been discharged from military service since 2012 and have military specialities of driver, mechanic-driver, scout, and junior commanders. The official reason for the call to the military registration and enlistment offices is to hold a training meeting on the specified military specialities for a period of 3 months. Also, on the territory of the so-called transnistrian-moldavian republic, appropriate propaganda work is being carried out with the population who has russian citizenship.

The russian occupiers continue to use violence against civilians in the temporarily occupied territories. The population of Mariupol is being forcibly deported to the temporarily occupied districts of the Donetsk oblast.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has hit three air targets in the previous day: a cruise missile, a UAV and a fighter jet. The Air Force continued to launch missile and bomb strikes on the occupying forces.

We will report on the total losses of the  russian enemy in a separate report later.
We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Let's win together! Glory to Ukraine!

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