Thursday, April 7, 2022

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine informs on the situation at the checkpoints of the western border

On April 6, almost 61,000 people and more than 14,000 vehicles crossed Ukraine's western borders with the EU and Moldova.

Passenger traffic remains stable.

36,000 people left Ukraine the previous day. More than 23,000 of them crossed the

Ukrainian-Polish border, the rest went to Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova.

Currently, there are no queues of people and vehicles in all the above-mentioned directions. 

Almost 25,000 people arrived in Ukraine last night, more than 21,000 of them Ukrainians. Besides, almost 500 vehicles with humanitarian goods have been registered. 

RECOMMENDING to follow loading of checkpoints for border crossing to the EU and Moldova (in Chernivtsi region) on Facebook page of the Western Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine – the Western Border. The data are renewed every three hours. 

All checkpoints on the western border (except for “Dzvinkove” and “Kosyno” checkpoints work round the clock.

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