Friday, April 8, 2022

Prime Minister: Ukraine has sped up work to join the European Union

Ukraine is rapidly moving towards integration with the European Union, stated Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in an interview with ICTV Facts program.

The Head of Government noted that the Versailles Declaration received by Ukraine on the accelerated procedure for obtaining the status of a candidate to accede the EU is one

of the stages on the way toward full membership. Therefore, it is critical to meet certain requirements and be integrated into European markets.

Denys Shmyhal stressed that Ukraine had already signed an Open Skies Agreement with the EU and technically joined the European network of transmission system operators for electricity ENTSO-E.

"Now we have started work on a full-fledged commercial connection, i.e. operation in the common market. And we even have the first contract for the export of electricity to the EU - 200 MW. This is enormous European integration progress," said the Prime Minister.

According to the Head of Government, Ukraine continues its advancement toward the European Union, in particular, it ramped up work on joint customs, joint transit conveyance, agreement on conformity assessment and acceptance of industrial products.

The Prime Minister also told that the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the High Representative of the EU Josep Borrell would provide a questionnaire to Ukraine during a visit to Kyiv.

"This is a bureaucratic document that will allow us to obtain the status of a candidate for EU membership. Other countries have been working to obtain this for years, some - for decades. We understand that Europe is giving us good signals and is waiting for us in the European Union. It inspires a lot of people," stressed Denys Shmyhal.

Prime Minister: Ukraine has sped up work to join the European UnionPrime Minister: Ukraine has sped up work to join the European UnionPrime Minister: Ukraine has sped up work to join the European UnionPrime Minister: Ukraine has sped up work to join the European Union

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