Friday, April 8, 2022

Volodymyr Zelenskyy after the meeting with the President of the European Commission: Ukraine's goal is to be in the EU, because we share common values and fight for them

Volodymyr Zelenskyy after the meeting with the President of the European Commission: Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the European Union for the political, financial and military support of Ukraine and called on the EU to continue to impose sanctions on the Russian Federation until it gives up its aggressive intentions. The President made this statement during a conversation with media representatives following the negotiations with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in Kyiv.

"The goal is to be in the European Union. The most important thing is that we

share the same values. And it is for them that we fight - for freedom, for the rights of our people," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

The President also thanked Ursula von der Leyen for the financial assistance Ukraine had received during the difficult times of the war, when our country's economy had suffered losses as a result of Russia's military invasion.

"I know for sure that we will win and it will all work. And at this distance, right here, near us are the countries of the European Union and the EU leadership. And this financial support is very important today, when the economy is not working yet," said the President of Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed gratitude for the support aimed at supplying weapons to Ukraine, as well as for the EU's sanctions policy against Russia.

"I want to thank you for a strong sanctions policy. I am grateful to the whole world, to the European Union, to Ursula von der Leyen. I am personally grateful for the fifth package of sanctions," he said.

The Head of State stressed the importance of increasing sanctions against the aggressor country.

"Please help us with your sanctions. They must be increased, otherwise Russia does not want to hear anyone or anything," the President is convinced.

"They took a lot from us. Both territories and people were taken away. We will be able to return the territories and we will not be able to return the people. And for all this, I am sure, there will be a great, fair responsibility," he added.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy also thanked the President of the European Commission for visiting the city of Bucha in the Kyiv region, which was liberated from the Russian occupiers.

"This is a very strong signal that Ukraine and the European Union are together. Together in the struggle for justice, dignity, in the struggle for the value of our lives, the value of human life. This is a confirmation that we will work together," he said.

For her part, Ursula von der Leyen handed over to the President a questionnaire for Ukraine to obtain the candidate status for membership in the European Union.

"Ukraine belongs in the European family. We have heard this very important statement from all your people. And we give a positive answer to your request," said the President of the European Commission addressing Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Your journey to the European Union begins. I'm sure it's a close path," she added.

Handing over the questionnaire to the President of Ukraine, Ursula von der Leyen noted that this process usually takes years, but in the case of Ukraine it takes weeks.

"We are ready. We will answer everything in a week," the President said.

The President of the European Commission also noted that Ukraine is facing a very long way to recovery, as Ukrainian cities and infrastructure are now being brazenly destroyed.

"Therefore, we want to work with you, to restore Ukraine, and this will positively determine Ukraine's path to the European Union," she said.

Ursula von der Leyen emphasized that what the world saw in Bucha in the Kyiv region was a challenge to humanity and a basis for excluding Russia from the UN Human Rights Council.

"Will this win or will our humanity prevail?" Will autocracy dominate or will democracy lead? Will the law of force win or the rule of law prevail? That is what is at stake in this war," she said.

The President of the European Commission assured that in this war the EU stands side by side with Ukraine. And today, in particular, many issues were discussed on how the European Union can strengthen its support for the Ukrainian state.

"We will never be able to match the sacrifice made by the Ukrainian people, but we are mobilizing our economic power to make Putin pay a very, very high price," said Ursula von der Leyen.

Among other things, she mentioned five waves of sanctions, noting that a new package is being prepared. According to the President of the European Commission, the EU is moving to a system of deployment of sanctions.

EU member states have also frozen $ 225 billion of private assets of Russia since the start of the war, she said.

Ursula von der Leyen stressed that Ukrainians who are currently defending their country carry the torch of freedom for the whole democratic and free world, so Ukraine will be provided with defensive support.

She reminded that our country is provided with 1 billion euros of aid, of which 120 million euros are provided for budget support, 330 million euros will be provided from the emergency package, another 600 million euros are macro-financial assistance.

"We will enable Ukrainian warriors to fight for Ukrainian and European freedom, because you are fighting for all of us," she said.

High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said the EU would assist the Prosecutor General’s Office in providing evidence to the International Criminal Court.

He also said that the EU Delegation to Ukraine is returning to Kyiv. Josep Borrell is convinced that the embassies of the EU member states will follow this example.

"You are fighting for us. And the least we can do is give you weapons. So that you get the weapons you need to resist, to fight and to win," said the EU High Representative.

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