Saturday, April 9, 2022

Prime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the war

Ukraine has received confirmation that the EU will work together with us to bring to justice all those who committed atrocities and are involved in the genocide of the Ukrainian people. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal made this statement on April 8 during a joint briefing with the High Representative of the European Union Josep Borrell following a meeting with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

"War crimes and crimes against humanity in Bucha and other cities of Ukraine require

immediate action by the international community. Actions, not words, because words certainly will not stop these atrocities committed by russia," said Denys Shmyhal.

According to the Prime Minister, cooperation with the EU in bringing the perpetrators to justice will take place within the Joint Investigation Team to document and investigate all russian crimes.

"Actions, not words, can stop the war. That is why Ukraine needs more weaponry and financial assistance, and russia obviously needs even more sanctions," the Prime Minister stressed.

The Prime Minister thanked the European Union for imposing the 5th sanctions package. At the same time, he stressed that Ukraine is ready to work together to ensure that russia does not have more funds to finance this war.

"We are calling for an energy embargo, including oil and gas imports. This is not a one-day process, but today we want to hear that the EU will abandon russia's energy resources. We call on European politicians to find ways to do this in the near future. This is also in the interests of the whole of Europe," said Denys Shmyhal.

The Head of Government said that during a meeting with the President of the European Commission and the EU High Representative they had discussed the Plan for Ukraine's recovery and establishment of a relevant fund, Ukraine's entry into the single payment space, the abolition of roaming for Ukrainians in the EU. In addition, Ursula von der Leyen handed over to the Ukrainian side to complete a package of documents required to obtain the status of a candidate for EU membership.

"We have agreed to work closely with the European Commission on all these issues, especially on Ukraine's integration into the EU. And I have no doubt that Ukraine's membership in the EU will also be a new page for a united Europe where peace reigns," said Denys Shmyhal.

The EU High Representative stressed that the sanctions imposed by the West are dealing a severe blow to russia and the russian economy, but more needs to be done. According to Josep Borrell, representatives of the European Union will meet on April 11 to discuss how to end dependence on russian energy resources, especially russian oil.

Prime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the warPrime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the warPrime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the warPrime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the warPrime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the warPrime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the warPrime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the warPrime Minister: Actions, not words, can stop the war

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