Friday, April 8, 2022

German Galushchenko commented on the EU's abandonment of Russian coal

The Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko commented on the decision of the European Union to ban the import of coal from russia.

"Imports of russian coal account or almost half of the EU's solid fuel consumption, so the rejection of it really shows the EU's real readiness to diversify energy supplies. And

also about the realization that security and a peaceful sky above one's head are worth a possible increase in energy prices," German Galushchenko wrote on his Facebook page.

He stressed that during the autumn-winter period of 2021/22 Ukraine was able to find alternative sources and routes of coal supply.

"Ukraine has passed this heating season even despite russia's blocking of railway supplies of coal in transit from other countries. We managed to diversify supplies in almost a month - about half of the imported coal came by sea. It was hard, but we managed. So, as for giving up russian coal, the mission is feasible. Especially for a period of 4 months, "said the Minister.

An important component of russia's energy embargo should be a ban on gas and oil imports.

"I expect courage and even greater determination from Europe - the rejection of oil and gas. According to Eurostat, russia's revenues from the sale of these energy resources to the EU alone in 2021 amounted to about EUR 90 billion. These are funds that allow russia to buy a huge amount of weapons to kill Ukrainians and destroy our cities. I hope that our international partners will show political will and take decisive steps to impose a full energy embargo on russia. Not so much to end the war in Ukraine, but to prevent bloodshed in other European countries, " German Galushchenko said.

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