Thursday, March 3, 2022

They wanted to destroy Ukraine so many times, but failed - address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Unbreakable people of invincible Ukraine!

Exactly two years ago, the first case of COVID-19 was recorded in Ukraine. The first weeks of fighting it were extremely difficult. But we were united, and therefore strong, and therefore we withstood. Exactly a week ago, Ukraine was attacked by another virus. Another disease. By those who suffer from severe annexation and occupation of foreign lands. One week ago, at 4 am, Russia invaded our independent Ukraine, our land. Acute fit of aggression, megalomania, delusion of persecution. Heavy psychological complexes and as a result - missile systems. Rocket artillery. Tanks and other armored vehicles - simply like locusts. The first hours and days of full-scale war were extremely difficult. But we were united, and therefore strong, and therefore we withstood. And it will be so. And we will continue to stand.

We stand so that the invaders were forced to change tactics. Russia's missile and

bomb strikes at Ukrainian cities are a confession that they could not do anything significant on land. All lines of our defense are preserved. The enemy has no success in any of the strategic directions. They are demoralized. They are doomed. Kyiv survived this night and withstood another missile and bomb strike. Our air defense worked. Kherson, Izyum, all other cities where the invaders carried out strikes from the air, did not give up anything. Chernihiv, Sumy, Mykolaiv hold the line. Odesa. They also want to destroy Odesa. But they will see only the bottom of the Black Sea. The target of Russia was the Assumption Cathedral in Kharkiv. One of the oldest Orthodox monuments of the city, monuments of Ukraine. During the war, the cathedral is a shelter for Kharkiv residents. Shelter for all people: believers and non-believers. For everyone, because everyone is equal. Holy place. Now it is damaged by war. They are not afraid of even that! They enjoy the fact that God does not give an instant rebuff. But he sees. And he answers. Answers so that you cannot hide. There is no such bunker to survive God's response. And we will restore the cathedral so that no trace of war remains there. And even if you destroy all our cathedrals and churches, you will not destroy our sincere faith in God, in Ukraine. Faith in people. We will restore every house, every street, every city. And we say to Russia: learn the words "reparations" and "contributions". You will repay everything you did against Ukraine. In full. And we will not forget those who perished, and God won’t.

You have come to destroy our cities. Destroy our people. Take away from us everything that is dear to us. You cut off electricity, water and heating to civilians in Ukraine. You leave people without food and medicine. You are shelling routes of possible evacuation. There is no weapon that you would not use against us, against the free citizens of Ukraine. And now you are telling your propagandists that you are going to send so-called humanitarian columns to Ukraine... Remember, godless men: when millions of people curse you, you have nothing to save yourself.

Ukrainians in all war-torn regions will receive everything they need from us. Coordination headquarters are working in full. Real humanitarian goods are on the way. Our government has already prepared a program of special assistance for all Ukrainians who have lost the opportunity to work. Now. Because of the war. Where there is fighting! Every employee, every sole proprietor, every citizen of ours, from whom Russia has taken away the opportunity to work, will receive six and a half thousand hryvnias without any conditions. I especially emphasize this for older Ukrainians. Despite the war, we ensure full payment of pensions. Indexed pensions. As it should be in accordance with the law. From March 1, pensions for Ukrainians are indexed by 14%. The money has already gone to the banks. All payments will be made in full.

Ukraine receives weapons from its partners on a daily basis. From real friends. More and more powerful weapons every day. Ukraine is already meeting foreign volunteers who are going to our country. The first of sixteen thousand. They are going to defend freedom. Defend life. For us. For all. And it will be successful. I'm sure.

We have survived in our history and on our land two world wars, three Holodomors, the Holocaust, Babyn Yar, the Great Terror, the Chornobyl explosion, the occupation of Crimea and the war in the east. We do not have a huge territory - from ocean to ocean, we do not have nuclear weapons, we do not fill the world market with oil and gas. But we have our people and our land. And for us - it's gold. That is what we are fighting for. We have nothing to lose but our own freedom and dignity. For us, this is the greatest treasure. They wanted to destroy us so many times. They failed. They wanted to wipe us off the face of the earth. They failed. They backstabbed us. And we are on our feet. They wanted us to be silent. But the whole world heard us. We've been through so much! And if someone thinks that, having overcome all this, Ukrainians - all of us - are scared, broken or will surrender, he knows nothing about Ukraine. And he has nothing to do in Ukraine. Go home. To your home. Protect Russian-speaking people. Not all over the world. In your country. There are almost 150 million of them. And here... Glory to Ukraine!

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