Thursday, March 3, 2022

Address by the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Oleksii Reznikov

Dear Ukrainians!

Before, I didn't even think about how many hours in the week? It turned out to be 168 hours.

Ukrainians have been fighting with the invators for a week.

Nobody. Realise that. Nobody. Neither in Russia nor the West believed we would last a week. Nobody.

The only ones who believed were you and me. By February 24, the convinced two-thirds of

Ukrainians that we would stay in the event of a full-scale Russian invasion.

Today there is almost 90 per cent of them.

It is the result of the heroism of our defenders. It is the result of the professional actions of our commanders.

It is the loyalty of every one of you.

Our medics, rescuers, utility workers, railway workers, journalists, financiers are holding their ground. The country has not stopped and is fighting.

I would like to emphasize the heads of military and civil administrations and mayors who are at the forefront today. Chernihiv, Sumy, Konotop, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Kherson, Mykolayiv are the outposts of Europe.

Our army has already destroyed thousands of invaders. And so much enemy equipment that the troops of several states could be armed.

The capabilities of our AFU are growing, and assistance is coming in. The Territorial Defence fighters have performed brilliantly in many areas.

Our air aces have become legends. Paratroopers, infantry, artillery - all prove that Ukrainians are the best.

Yesterday I called on the citizens to resist completely. We need to destroy enemy communications. These are the metastases he is trying to spread across our land.

The Russian invaders are frightened of their shameful defeat and have started committing crimes against humanity. They are shelling hospitals, killing women and children. It is no longer an army - they are typical cowards and terrorists.

There are many more difficulties ahead. There will be blood, tears, pain.

But now, more than ever, we have every reason to be confident. And those around us.

We will win for sure!

Glory to Ukraine!

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