Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Serhii Shkarlet: Ukraine urges to immediately create humanitarian corridors by international organizations

Ukraine demands the immediate creation of humanitarian corridors by international organizations in Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson regions to evacuate civilians and, above all, children! The Minister of Education and Science Serhii Shkarlet said.

According to the Minister, the Russian invasion caused the biggest humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since World War II. Enemy troops openly inflict constant missile, bomb, and

artillery strikes on peaceful cities, housing infrastructure, and educational institutions.

"Russia has put millions of Ukrainian citizens - especially women, children and the elderly - on the brink of extinction. The enemy does not distinguish between military and civilian targets - it strikes with jet artillery and missiles, destroying kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities.

Ukraine has already appealed to international organizations that have a mandate to create "green corridors" for the population to leave the war zone. Have international organizations de facto joined Russia's tactics of war against Ukraine? If so, the world should know that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Red Cross can no longer be relied upon. We sincerely believe that we will be heard and tens of thousands of lives will be saved!", said the Minister.

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