Thursday, March 10, 2022

Resolution on customs clearance of certain goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine during martial law was adopted

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution Certain Issues of Customs Clearance of Certain Goods Imported into the Customs Territory of Ukraine during Martial Law.

The adopted resolution outlines possible options for customs clearance of goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine, which will allow Ukrainian companies to use the best way to declare them under martial law, without violating the functionality of customs, tax and banking institutions.

In addition to the possibility of customs clearance directly at the border or at any

customs authority under the general procedure, declarants will be able to use a simplified version of customs clearance on a preliminary customs declaration without delivery of goods to the customs terminal complex.

In addition, the customs authorities will be able to defer payment of customs duties under a simplified procedure using such a preliminary customs declaration. This will apply to essential goods for the needs of the state, the list of which is determined by the Government.

The State Customs Service of Ukraine is authorized to immediately finalize its software packages, including the automated risk management system, in order to ensure the possibility of clearance of goods in a simplified regime.

Taking this opportunity, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine expresses gratitude to Ukrainian companies that make timely payments of customs duties to the State Budget during martial law, and asks to use the chosen option of declaring goods as responsibly as possible, given their current business opportunities.

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