Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Decisions of the Ministry of Health seeking to improve the work of healthcare during martial law

Prompt decisions of the Ministry of Health, which were adopted to improve the work of health care on March 8:

Provided a legal basis to involve students in pharmacies in order to close the existing staffing gaps that have arisen in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine;

Ensured the work of the coordination working group on the treatment of Ukrainian

citizens in foreign clinics during the martial law in Ukraine;

Methodical recommendations on tactics of surgery to control injuries and stabilize the condition of victims during the evacuation stages were issued;

The Government has adopted a resolution on some issues of medical and social examination for the period of martial law in Ukraine which provides that for the period of martial law, the decision to extend temporary incapacity for work in its presence is made without referral for medical and social examination by the attending physician or medical advisory commission;

Approved the legal framework for the start of procurement of medicines under centralized programs;

Ukrainians were encouraged to buy medicines based on their active ingredient and availability in pharmacies, rather than on the trade name of the drug;

Purchased and delivered to Ukraine more than 700,000 units of drugs used in medical institutions to anaesthetize the wounded;

Agreed on the possibility of using World Bank funds (about ГЫВ 45 million) to provide hospitals with priority medical equipment for martial law;

Russia's membership in the Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX) has been suspended;

We are working with pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of medical equipment to suspend their work in the aggressor country.

We work. We will withstand. We will win.

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