Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Address by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal

Heroic people of Ukraine!

For two weeks our liberation war has been going on. For two weeks we have been resisting the russian invasion.

We are forming new reserves and accumulating resources so that our army is provided with everything necessary for both defense and further liberation of the occupied territories.

Yesterday another auction for the sale of military government bonds to the tune of UAH 6.6 billion took place.

The National Bank of Ukraine decided to buy out the Government's war bonds for

UAH 20 billion as well.

Thanks to the efforts of the President of Ukraine, the Government, and diplomats, more and more countries are joining the pro-Ukrainian coalition. Dozens of countries and organizations are providing us financial, humanitarian, military support.

Yesterday, the United States increased the potential aid package for Ukraine from USD 10 billion to USD 12 billion, which will shortly be considered by Congress.

The World Bank has approved a USD 700 million additional support package for Ukraine.

Today, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced the resilience package worth EUR 2 billion to back Ukraine.

In a few hours, the International Monetary Fund is to consider providing EUR 1.4 billion in emergency funding to Ukraine.

Next week, we expect the first tranche of EUR 300 million in macro-financial support from the European Union, which has earmarked a new emergenchy assistance of € 1.2 billions. In a week - the second tranche is to be allotted.

I want to thank those entrepreneurs and companies that today, in wartime, pay taxes, pay salaries to their employees and support the army in every possible way. Your contribution to the victory is invaluable! Thank you!

What critical steps are taken by the Government?

Approximately within a week in the Diia application we commence to register information about damaged and destroyed property of citizens of Ukraine.

Anyone left homeless. Anyone whose house or apartment was destroyed by the occupier will be able to submit an application for compensation in the Diia.

We have already established the Destroyed Property and Infrastructure Restoration Fund. And as soon as the war is over, we will begin to rebuild everything ruined by the enemy.

The war caught Ukrainians in surprise, leaving many people without documents. Therefore, in the Diia there will also be found a new temporary digital certificate eDocument.

It will be flexible: it will contain passport data, Individual Tax Identification Number, as well as photos if possible. It will be recognized by state authorities, the National Police, and the military at checkpoints. The eDocument will be automatically available to all users of the Diia.

We are also creating a food reserve.

The state will purchase grain and other stocks in the amount of annual consumption throughout the country at the expense of the state budget. This will allow us to provide the country with sufficient amount of food.

We continue to expand the list of critical imports. We support the work of critical infrastructure. We are doing everything to ensure that our army and home front are as well provided for as possible.

And we will win.

And aftermath we will build a new, free and happy Ukraine.

Our cities in the North, East and South will flourish again.

Our people will return. They will return to their new, rebuilt homes.

And on the renovated land 

There’ll be no enemy, no rival, 

There will be son and will be mother, 

There will be people on the land!

Glory to Ukrainian people! Glory to Ukraine!

Address by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal

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