Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Address by the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Oleksiy Reznikov

Fellow Ukrainians!

Military-political authorities of the state are carrying out intensive negotiations with our partners, aimed at allocation of support for defence of Ukraine. 

Ministry of Defence is working on its' level, to involve material-technical support and to cooperate with commercial distributors. 

Military-technical cooperation is extremely sensitive domain, where public comments should be well-considered. In particular, during the war. In this terms, I urge you not to share information, concerning weapons procurements, provided to our country by the other states. Please, do not comment on this data, that is an outmost authority of the officials. I understand your willing to share good news, but sometimes it may create an informational front, which has negative impact on the outcomes. It may complicate the process of receiving additional capacities by our Armed Forces. It may result in losses, which we may and must avoid!

All information, which may be shared after coordination with our partners, will be necessarily and timely shared. The enemy should not know what to await. Let it be an unpleasant surprise for it. 

I hope for your understanding.

Glory to Ukraine!

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