Friday, March 11, 2022

The program on temporary relocation of enterprises from the affected regions is underway

Ukrainian companies that are in the zone of active hostilities can receive state aid in moving their facilities to Western Ukraine.

For this purpose, a program has been launched to relocate Ukrainian production with the support of the state. Businesses planning to relocate to safer areas will be rendered assistance in selecting locations for their production facilities, transporting and accommodating staff, as well as new recruitment.

The program is aimed at preserving the production and labor potential of Ukraine and focused to all enterprises wishing to relocate production to the Western Ukraine.

For all companies that submit applications, conditions will be created to provide free relocation to the place of temporary placement, as well as for:

- selection of appropriate areas for production;

- relocation and resettlement of staff;

- selection of employees at the place of deployment after moving.

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