Friday, March 11, 2022

Operational information regarding the #russian_invasion as of 18:00, March 11

The sixteenth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion continues.

The enemy continues to conduct an offensive operation against Ukraine.

At the same time, the russian invaders did not achieve the main goals of capturing certain cities and territories. There is a high probability that the russian federation will intensify terrorist methods of hostilities, launch missile and bomb strikes on civilian infrastructure, residential areas, intimidate the local population, conduct informational, psychological actions to undermine public confidence in local government, dissemination of misinformation , taking the local population hostage.

Units of the occupying forces do not stop trying to continue the offensive in all

directions. To do this, it takes measures to form and reconcile reserves in the russian federation. A significant part of russian units are restoring combat capability.

The enemy is trying to establish logistical support for units and units conducting hostilities.

The Russian occupiers continue to conduct air reconnaissance of the positions of our troops in the Donetsk, Tavriya, Pivdennobuzhsky and Bessarabian operational areas.

In order to involve the Republic of Belarus in the war against Ukraine, the enemy resorted to provocative actions. According to available information, the aircraft of the Air Force of the russian federation struck the settlements on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, located near the state border of Ukraine. In order to disguise the russian federation carried out an attack from the airspace of Ukraine.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, in close cooperation with other components of the security and defense sector, are repelling the occupiers, inflicting significant losses on manpower and military equipment.

The moral and psychological state of the enemy is extremely low. It is demoralized, in some areas the occupiers surrender.

Let's win together! Glory to Ukraine!

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