Thursday, March 3, 2022

News from the diplomatic front as of 10 AM on March 3rd

The 8 day of the heroic struggle of Ukrainians against the Russian invaders. Ukraine is fiercely resisting on all fronts, including diplomatic.

Ukrainian diplomacy continues its work.

141 countries joined the anti-war coalition in defense of Ukraine and voted for the UN General Assembly resolution Aggression Against Ukraine

The Russian economy continues to fall into the abyss. The ruble has reached its historic

low and much of the foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank are blocked. International business is fleeing Russia en masse.

Military assistance

  • Ukraine received the second batch of Javelin anti-tank missile systems from Estonia
  • 19 countries regularly provide us with the latest weapons, ammunition, protective equipment, medical equipment and fuel for the needs of the Ukrainian army
  • Diplomats are negotiating intensively to provide additional combat aircraft for the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from partners as soon as possible


  • The sanctions imposed on Russia are intensifying. Canada announced the new sanctions against 10 key individuals from the 2 important companies in the energy sector of Russia – Rosneft and Gazprom
  • The US Department of State imposes total sanctions on Russia's defense sector to suppress Russian military machine
  • Ireland prepares to close its ports to Russian ships as well as to freeze bank accounts owned by Russian companies


  • The World Bank has suspended all cooperation with Russia and Belarus
  • The development of alternative energy in Russia is impossible now. The Danish company Vestas, which is a world leader in the manufacture of wind turbines and was to build wind farms in Russia, has terminated its cooperation with Russia
  • Ukraine and Poland initiated the termination of Russia's membership in the Council of Europe
  • The Warsaw City Council has launched legal proceedings to put the buildings used by Russian diplomatic missions on balance. After the completion of legal proceedings, it is planned to use the buildings to house Ukrainian citizens who left the territory of Ukraine as a result of Russian armed aggression

Deputinization of the world

  • Slovakia cancels the visa-free regime for the Russian holders of diplomatic passports
  • Bulgaria terminates its membership in the International Investment Bank and the International Bank for Economic Cooperation, where the largest shareholder is Russia
  • The International Paralympic Committee has suspended Russian athletes from participating in the Beijing Games
  • 15 Polish cities decided to unilaterally terminate cooperation agreements with 15 Russian cities

Humanitarian aid

  • The Slovak Ministry of Defence has donated medical equipment to a hospital in Uzhhorod
  • Greece and Ukraine agreed on the possibility of accommodating Ukrainian children with cancer and their parents in Greece
  • The UAE plans to provide $5 million in humanitarian assistance to civilians affected by the war in Ukraine

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