Wednesday, March 9, 2022

MCIP: The ₩AW Information Regiment has been set up to counter Russia's disinformation

krainian creatives, journalists, directors and publicists who create video content of various formats  and various topics, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine have established an information regiment ₩AW: War Against War.

The purpose of the platform is to strengthen the fight against outright lies and Russian propaganda.

"Ukrainians are observing an enormous

amount of information generated and created by volunteers from various fields. And this is extremely important, because they all increase the information resistance of our country and show the truth to the whole world. Today, any video or photo is not just content. This is an increase in morale and evidence against the criminal actions of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. And we must raise their number so as not to leave the enemy any chance of propaganda lies," commented Oleksandr Tkachenko, Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

Thus, the information troops will create videos and texts in different languages, designed for different audiences: the world, Ukraine, Russia. We encourage Ukrainians to distribute videos and texts on all available platforms.

₩AW's activities are authorized by the Office of the President and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. Therefore, all the information on their resources cannot contain either false appeals or propaganda.

Where one can subscribe?

Instagram —

Telegram channel — ₩AW at the webside of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy —

MCIP Youtube page — ₩AW

MCIP Youtube page playlist —

The information regiment invites media owners and representatives of the media community to join in cooperation and information support.

₩AW: War Against War creates video content - and if you have the opportunity to distribute it on your resources, it will be very helpful in disseminating the truth. In particular, about how brutal is Russia’s war waged against Ukraine and the civilian population of our cities.

Contact form for anyone who has the opportunity to facilitate the distribution of video content:

Contact form for creative teams who want to collaborate with ₩AW: War Against War:

Vizualization to the press release:

Video «Glory to Ukraine!»:

We will definitely win. Glory to Ukraine!

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