Thursday, March 10, 2022

''Hungary’s readiness and vigilance are stronger than ever'', says Chair of the NATO Military Committee

On 8-9 March 2022, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer was in Hungary where he met with the Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, visited a border crossing with Ukraine and attended the Exercise Eastern Shield.

Welcome Ceremony

Landing in Debrecen, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Bauer was welcomed by the Hungarian Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Ruszin-Szendi and the Hungarian Military Representative to NATO, Lieutenant General Gábor Böröndi, with a military Honour Guard.

On March 9, Admiral Bauer met with Lieutenant General Ruszin-Szendi and

State Secretary of Defence, Mr Szabó discuss the current security situation, NATO’s response and the ongoing humanitarian crisis. The Chair then received a briefing on the Enhanced Vigilance Activities taking place in Hungary. “The Hungarian Defence Forces are prepared to defend Hungary’s borders and sovereignty. It is clear to see that Hungary’s readiness and vigilance are stronger than ever”, he commented.

The NATO and Hungarian delegations then visited a border crossing along the Hungarian-Ukrainian border that has been dealing with an increasing number of Ukrainian refugees escaping the conflict in their home country. “The Hungarian soldiers are doing a fantastic job in helping the civilian authorities deal with the increasing stream of Ukrainian refugees. I have been able to witness first-hand, the compassion, dedication and professionalism of the Hungarian men and women in uniform”, emphasised Admiral Bauer.

In the afternoon, Admiral Bauer and Lieutenant General Ruszin-Szendi attended a live-firing demonstration during the joint exercise, Eastern Shield. Other military leaders visiting the Hungarian exercise included: the Croatian Chief of Defence, Admiral Hranj, the Commander of the Italian Joint Operations Command, General Figliuolo, the Italian Military Representative to NATO, Lieutenant General Nordio, and the US Military Representative to NATO, Lieutenant General Deedrick. 

In a speech to the troops, Admiral Bauer highlighted that having well-functioning, well-trained National Defence Forces, with state of the art equipment and efficient decision-making structures is not only essential for Hungary’s defence, but is also an important contribution for NATO and Euro-Atlantic security. He also commended “the Hungarian Defence Forces for their courage. I am proud that you are a part of the band of 3.2 million brothers and sisters in uniform that protect this Alliance”.

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