Saturday, March 12, 2022

Government has additionally allocated almost UAH 4 billion to strengthen defense capabilities

In order to provide food for the additional personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has allotted an additional UAH 3,926,284,900 from the reserve fund of the state budget.

The Ministry of Defense has developed, and the Government has approved the relevant

order "On the allocation of funds from the reserve fund of the state budget." The Ministry of Finance is instructed to make these expenditures.

"The male and female defenders of Ukraine who are motivated and ready to fight against the Russian invaders daily join the ranks of the Armed Forces. Their stable supply, especially with food, is a critical necessity. Hence, the Ministry of Defense in synergy with the Minister of Finance and the line Parliamentary committee have drafted a relevant Government resolution. Our warriors deserve proper social protection, through receiving a decent supply of uniforms, weapons, food and additional monetary rewards. Let's hold the line," commented the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov.

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