Filipino Millennials Prioritize Career Success Over Relationships, Study Reveals
Millennials today are redefining traditional priorities. Success is increasingly seen as a prerequisite for stability and fulfillment, rather than a trade-off against relationships.”
— Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo
MANILA, METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES, March 17, 2025 / -- A recent study by Arkipelago Analytics has shed light on a shifting trend among Filipino
Millennials, revealing that career success takes precedence over romantic relationships for the majority of the demographic. The survey, which polled 402 respondents with a 5% margin of error, found that 64% of Millennials consider "being successful" as their top priority, compared to the 50% who regard "a happy relationship" as essential.The study also uncovered gender-based variations in priorities. Of those who prioritize success, 55% are women and 45% are men. Safety and security were cited as important by 62% of respondents, with men (53%) slightly outweighing women (47%). Meanwhile, the aspiration for a happy relationship was evenly distributed between genders, with 50% of both men and women considering it a key priority.
Other notable preferences include the desire to have fun, which was valued by 34% of respondents, with a higher proportion of men (54%) than women (45%) emphasizing its importance. Living an honest and respectable life was cited by 32%, with women (52%) slightly outnumbering men (48%). Learning and acquiring new skills ranked important for 24%, showing a near-equal split between men (51%) and women (49%). Independence was prioritized by 18% of Millennials, maintaining a balanced distribution of 51% men and 49% women. Meanwhile, professional growth was a key focus for 10%, with men (55%) placing more emphasis on it than women (45%).
At the lower end of the spectrum, social justice and traditions ranked as the least prioritized aspects, with only 4% and 2% of respondents considering them significant, respectively. Among those prioritizing social justice, men (56%) outpaced women (44%), while traditions saw an even split at 50% between genders.
These findings underscore a growing emphasis on financial stability and career advancement among Filipino Millennials, particularly among women, who slightly outpaced men in prioritizing success. While relationships remain a significant factor in their lives, individual aspirations and financial security are now seen as equally—if not more—important.
Commenting on the results, Anna Mae Lamentillo, founder of Arkipelago Analytics, stated, "Millennials today are redefining traditional priorities. Success is increasingly seen as a prerequisite for stability and fulfillment, rather than a trade-off against relationships. This shift highlights the evolving ambitions of a generation that seeks both personal and professional fulfillment in an ever-changing world."
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