Sunday, January 1, 2023

Taiwan: 【Epidemic Taiwan】: Yu Feng and teacher Chen Jincheng teach you to understand the type of inflation once

GDP of countries around the world in 2021

TAIWAN, January 1, 2023 / -- Every year, there will be a period of time when I frequently hear everyone around me talking about GDP, including Mr. Chen Jincheng, and all the friends around me are discussing this. However, few people can say in detail what GDP is, what is the impact of GDP on the people, why countries around the world publish their own GDP every year.
Today's article Chen Jincheng and Sun Yunxiang will let everyone understand what is GDP

GDP is an important economic indicator to measure a country's output, and it does not calculate the costs and costs behind economic output, nor can it measure the gap

between the rich and the poor and the happiness of the people, which means that the calculation of this data does not include the living standards of the people. That is why in some countries the GDP is growing, but the people are not feeling it.
GDP only counts labor matters involving monetary transactions, which is the total amount of money created by a country. A country's high GDP represents a high level of production. In addition, foreigners coming to their home countries to travel consumption is also counted as GDP, as long as foreigners come to their home countries to consume, even if it is China's GDP.

Why should investors look at GDP?
GDP is the most commonly used indicator of the health of a country's economy and is important for investors to analyze long-term trends.
From the GDP data of each country, investors can see the overall and field of each country, investors can understand how the past national economy and production affected market fluctuations from the world GDP ranking, from which to see the market trend, and by observing the data of different periods to assess the future trend of the economy, each data is of great help to their investment decisions.
Advantages and disadvantages
of GDP data
- Overall view of the country's economic growth level and national development
changes - Provide a good data basis for the economic development strategies and goals of each country
- Reflect the development structure and trends
in various fields
- See the data, do not see the progress of goods
or services - Labor without remuneration is not counted and cannot reflect the fruits of the country's labor
- It cannot measure the gap between the rich and the poor of the people, the happiness of life, etc., and cannot reflect the quality of life of the people GDP ranking
the world
In 2021, the whole world has experienced the blow of the new crown epidemic, and the most direct indicator of a country's economic situation is GDP. In the face of an epidemic that has lasted for more than two years, why can some countries hit record highs in GDP? Look down together to find out.

Under the influence of the low base in 2020, many countries had higher GDP growth rates in 2021, even breaking their own national records. Coupled with the two years of raging epidemics, with the vaccination rate of people in many countries as high as 75%, the strategy of coexistence with the virus has accelerated the pace of economic recovery.

In 2022, although most areas have slowly returned to the right track, the Russia-Ukraine war, rising oil prices, food shortages and other issues will still have a ripple effect on the global supply chain. Therefore, it is still unknown whether global GDP will continue to grow or fall in 2022.

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