Thursday, June 16, 2022

A digital solution that promotes climate-sustainable crops arrived in Uruguay

Producers will be able to trace the history of crops, manage environmental indicators and access benefits by verifying practices.

Growers can incorporate the calculation of the carbon footprint into their sustainable farming stories using the Cool Farm Tool developed by the Cool Farm Alliance."
— Marcos Botta (CIO & co-founder)

URUGUAY, June 16, 2022 / -- According to the Fifth Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, agriculture is one of the main activities that produce greenhouse gases, along with power generation, industry, transport and construction. Hence, all actors involved in the agricultural value chain seek to limit global warming by promoting regenerative agriculture. To make this possible, producers have begun to assume a leading role that, among other things, promotes the exponential reduction of emissions.

In Uruguay there are more than 17 million hectares suitable for production, which

translates into an important opportunity to promote sustainable crops. "We want to help growers transform crops into climate-smart, simple and cost-effective ways. To do this, we must open what we call the black box of agriculture, and the way to do that is by creating verified Crop StoriesTM," said Marcos Botta, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) of, a digital solution that recently announced its arrival in the country.

The platform created by Diego Hoter (CEO), Matías O'Keefe (Chief Technology Officer) and Marcos Botta, allows producers to trace and verify the history of crops, safely and confidentially, since it uses blockchain technology. In this way, helps producers to differentiate and value their sustainable practices. In addition, it allows to know the potential sustainability of the crops, and to manage environmental indicators such as EIQ (Environmental Impact Coefficient) and Carbon Footprint. "Growers can incorporate carbon footprint calculation into their sustainable farming stories using the Cool Farm Tool developed by the Cool Farm Alliance. With this tool, the producer will be able to measure the level of greenhouse gas emissions, identify critical points and test alternative management scenarios," Botta concluded.

About is an Argentine digital platform that allows transforming sustainability into a simple, achievable and profitable process. Its name comes from a play on words: "you crop it" (which in English means "you produce it") and the term "it", which appeals to the technology that the digital solution provides and helps to improve processes and gives certainties of sustainable crops. Freely accessible to producers, facilitates the registration and traceability of sustainable crops in a secure and confidential way, thanks to the fact that it uses blockchain technology. Created in 2018 by Diego Hoter (CEO and Co Founder), Matías O'Keefe (CTO / Chief Technology Officer) and Marcos Botta (CIO / Chief Innovation Officer), the leading Argentine start-up in the field, it also provides services in Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and the United States, where it has a Business Development Office.

Recognized by the international financial center Abu Dhabi Global Market as one of the three most innovative startups in South America, was distinguished in the "Sustainable Agtech Challenge" of the United Nations Environment Program for contributing to the development of a more sustainable agriculture. In addition, was a finalist of the "Radicle Carbon & Soil Challenge", an initiative that seeks to invest and support the most innovative agro-technological solutions; was chosen by John Deere as one of the 7 companies that will be part of the "Startup Collaborator 2022" program to generate innovative solutions with a focus on sustainability; and was the winner of the "Accelerate Spain" program, a philanthropic initiative of the Accelerate Spain Foundation that seeks to promote the internationalization of Argentine startups in Europe.

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